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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Why must I make payment immediately at checkout?

Is your website secure?

When will my order ship?

How do I make payments using paypal? How does it work?

How much do deliveries cost?

What documents do I need to rent a car from Rentai Monthly Car Rental?

Can I rent a car for more than a month?

What’s included in the monthly rental fee?

What happens if I exceed the mileage limit?

Do I need to pay a deposit?

What should I do if the rental car breaks down or I have an accident?

Can I have more than one driver on the rental agreement?

Can I have more than one driver on the rental agreement?

What is your fuel policy?

Is maintenance included in the monthly rental fee?

Can I return the vehicle before the rental period ends?

How do I extend my rental period?

Can I drive the rental car outside the UAE?

What happens if I get a traffic fine during my rental period?

What happens if the car is damaged during the rental period?

What should I do if I lose the car keys?

How do I extend my rental period?

What is the cancellation policy?

Can I rent a car if I’m under 25?

Do I need to clean the car before returning it?

Are there any restrictions on where I can drive?

How long does it take to get my security deposit back?